Star Trek: Five Year Mission Board Game

May 12, 2018 - Comment

You are about to begin your 5-year mission aboard the USS Enterprise.  But which one? You can crew the classic Enterprise NCC-1701 or the next generation NCC 1701-D.  ALERT! You and your fellow crewmates must cooperate to resolve  dangerous situations that threaten to destroy your ship. If you fail, you all lose. Solving threats is

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You are about to begin your 5-year mission aboard the USS Enterprise.  But which one? You can crew the classic Enterprise NCC-1701 or the next generation NCC 1701-D.  ALERT! You and your fellow crewmates must cooperate to resolve  dangerous situations that threaten to destroy your ship. If you fail, you all lose. Solving threats is the way you score points for your crew and win the game.  Each crewmate has a unique ability. These abilities can help the team solve alerts. Use your skills wisely to give your crew the best chance at success.  So, which is the crew for you-The Original Series, or the Next Generation?.

Product Features

  • For 3-7 Players
  • Playing time 30-45 minutes
  • Great strategy game
  • Made in USA


Scott Tucker says:

Another Win for Mayfair AND Star Trek Board gaming is a big part of my family’s life and this is such a new and fresh idea for a game that we had to try it out. After viewing the “White Glove Demo”, we ordered the set and were immediately impressed and delighted with the ease of game play and the fun of getting through the “mission”. Rules are fairly straightforward and your first few playthroughs are likely to be a little slow just learning the cards. But after you have gotten used to the symbols and the turn…

JBlitzen says:

Great as a Trek-themed solitaire game! Bought this as a simple but interesting solitaire game, and not disappointed!The theme comes through really well in the characters and ship damage tracking if not very well in the missions/events. The events aren’t bad but they don’t tell stories the way that, for instance, Shadowrun Crossfire’s events do. But they’re not too far off either, and if you want that depth you can find some of it. I love the characters though; their abilities and relationships are very well thought…

Rick H. says:

Refreshing Cooperative Title Only loosely themed on Star Trek, but a very fun cooperative game nonetheless. The mechanics are completely different from those in other cooperative games like the LaBlanc titles(Pandemic, Forsaken Island, etc.), enough so that it feels almost like a different genre. I highly recommend the Ensign Rand / Wesley Crusher promo card, too, though it tends to make the game a bit easier.

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