Never Have I Ever, the Game of Poor Life Decisions – Only Get this Card Game if You Want Tears Running Down Your Face from Gut Busting Laughs, Outrageous Fun and to Be The Hit of Every Party From This Day Forward. Not for the Faint of Heart. Played on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

July 28, 2015 - Comment

This is an Adult Card Game Every game of Never Have I Ever presents a chance to relive life’s funny, embarrassing and awkward moments with your friends and family members. Still feeling weird about that time you called 
someone the wrong name during sex? How 
about when you got arrested for public 
urination? Well, don’t

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This is an Adult Card Game

Every game of Never Have I Ever presents a chance to relive life’s funny, embarrassing and awkward moments with your friends and family members. Still feeling weird about that time you called 
someone the wrong name during sex? How 
about when you got arrested for public 
urination? Well, don’t worry, all your poor life decision-making has finally paid off. We’ve thought of hundreds of things you may or may not want to admit, and added rules to spice things up.

Game Overview

Everyone gets 10 Play Cards to start and takes a turn reading a Red Rule Card. During each round players have a chance to admit whether they’re ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ of a Play Card. If you’re guilty, you have to keep the card. If you’re not guilty, you have to discard it. The first person to collect 10 Play Cards wins (or losses depending on how you look at life).

To Play

Each round, a new person will pick a Red Rule Card from the pile, read the directions aloud, and place it face up on the table. Then, all the players (including the player that drew the rule card) does what the card says. For example: One rule card is called “Awkward Moment,” which reads: “Everyone passes a play card to you. Once you have everyone’s play card, you must answer them all. If you are guilty of the play card, you have to keep it. If you are not guilty of the play card, you discard it.”

Here Are Some Play Card Examples

Never Have I Ever Dated My Sibling’s Ex. Never Have I Ever Done Something Illegal With A Family Member. Never Have I Ever Shown Up To Thanksgiving High. Never Have I Ever Rocked A Muffin Top.

Game Contents

Includes 550 Cards (485 Play Cards and 65 Rule Cards with 10 Variations) + instructions.

Product Features

  • This is the famous game that Ellen DeGeneres has been playing with her guests like Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna and Justin Bieber.
  • Each time you play you’ll have a chance to relive life’s funny, embarrassing and awkward moments with your friends.
  • Don’t worry, what may have seemed like a terrible idea at the time now earns you points and makes you a winner.
  • This is the game of poor life decisions and there’s only one real rule to the game – no judgment.
  • Includes 550 cards (485 Never Have I Ever Play Cards and 65 Rule Cards) + instructions in a shiny, new box. Fast shipping directly from Amazon warehouse. But you have to hurry, last shipment sold out in two weeks.


Star Wars Fan says:

Fun times with friends. .sometimes awkward with family. . I picked this up to have some fun when my wife’s and my friends come over. I read the instructions on how to play (btw funny on its own) and figured it would be a blast. I started reading through some of the questions with my wife and 20 year old daughter. 

JaSto says:

Great fun and entertaining game even for over 60 young people!!!! Thank you for a very speedy delivery. It came just in time for our New Year’s Eve get together. For the past 8 years four couples have been going to dinner together and then we go to one of our houses to play games. I hesitated at first, because I am a really shy person, but we are all very good friends, so what the heck, I brought this game to our party. I have to confess though, I did look through the cards and took out a few. LOL. We are all in our 60’s so needless to say, we were laughing…

kam591 says:

Very fun! I played this during the holidays with most of my middle aged family members, and they were laughing hysterically at most of the cards! I was thoroughly impressed by the number of cards that come with the game. They offer endless hours of gameplay without even using the same cards twice for a long time! The packaging design is great and allows for a great conversation starter when left out for people to see. I will be playing this very often especially for parties and friendly get togethers!

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