Baby Toddler Tricycle Bike No Pedals 10-36 Months Ride-on Toys Gifts Indoor Outdoor Balance Bike for One Year Old Boys Girls First Birthday Thanksgiving Christmas Dalmatian
May 30, 2019 - Comment
Baby Balance Bike Product Features Function:Teach a child to push with their feet(no pedals), and teach them to maintain their balance while sitting and moving.Develop balance,gain coordination and confidence at early age.Enhance Toddlers leg strength. Design: No pedals, fully enclosed wheel, avoid clamping baby’s feet. Limited 135 degree turning and pyramid base design to avoid
nice first birthday gift and teach toddlers to keep balance I bought this tricycle for my one year old princess and she likes to play with this bike.It’s a nice first birthday gift as it can teach young toddler to keep the balance.By riding on the tricycle, my daughter gets confidence to grow up.
Balanced bike Bought it for my 9 month old angle who is about to learn walking. My daughter just ride on her cute first bike as soon as I gave it to her! She did fall off a few times at first, but then used to it very fast. I have to say the bike do help her stand and walk more stable, which does its job very well. The bike itself looks well made and very cute, and the assembly was nothing. Although the instruction says it must be assembled by an adult, I believe a five years old boy can do it all alone…
No color preference included My grandson loves this however, I only gave it 4 stars due to miss labeling. The picture shows it in blue but when I received it there were multiple colors listed on the box. Thankfully we received a yellow color, really wanted blue but they did not give you a choice on the color so buyers beware on what color you will actually receive. Otherwise, itâs a great item for toddlers.